Posts filed under “Netlify SE”


  1. 1. Rank your 5 favorite, and 5 least favorite, activities from this list:

  2. 2. My favorite thing about providing technical support.

  3. 3. What I think of Netlify. Provide either some constructive criticism or some points that impressed you. Be honest! “It sucked” isn’t a wrong answer unless you don’t elaborate and provide some constructive criticism ;)

  4. 4. Talk about how you made your site and why you chose the tools you did. Briefly explain a challenge you experienced in setting up this site and how you solved it.

  5. 5. Provide a link to documentation for a technical/developer-focused product, which you think are well done, and briefly explain why you think they are well done.

  6. 6. Importance of SSL/HTTPS.

  7. 7. Explain, in a couple of paragraphs, what you think 2 major challenges around DNS configuration are for less-technical internet end-users.

  8. 8. A customer writes in saying their “site won’t build”. Compose: your best short (2-paragraph) customer-facing answer, without any additional data, that could be useful in the generic case, but would also lead to a customer providing a more actionable response.

  9. 9. Set up a redirect from “/netlify/anything” to

  10. 10. Suggestion to improve this test or the job posting.